Thursday, March 11, 2010

A Day Off

We have "split weekends" here with Friday and Sunday off, so I spent the first one catching up on sleep, laundry and grocery shopping. And I joined a gym for the month—who would of thought I could continue to do spin classes in Brunei!?! I also went to a yoga studio with Dr. Yin (with me in photo below) on Saturday evening after work—it was great!

Sunday was also a holiday, but I spent about half the day at an orthopedic conference with Drs. Yin and Khin. It was held at this enormous hotel and country club, The Empire, situated on the South China Sea. The conference was interesting and the surroundings and food made it well worth the $20.

The Empire Hotel and Country Club is located near a large park, Bukit Shahbandar Recreational Park, so I packed a change of clothes and headed there for the afternoon. The 7 km hike was really challenging—partially due to the heat and high humidity. I kept wondering why so few people were on the trail. When I arrived the parking lot was almost empty. When I got to my car at 5:30 pm the parking lot was full. I realized it was because everyone else is smart enough to wait until it cools down.

The few people I did run into on the trail were friendly and curious—probably because I look foreign and I’m a female traveling alone. I’m frequently asked why I’m visiting Brunei. I don't see westerners very often. Most folks I meet (if not from Brunei) are from Malaysia, China, Singapore, India, Bhutan or the Philippines.

I'm looking forward to more exploring. This is a fairly easy country to navigate, even though I can't read the road signs. I guess that's one advantage to driving in Seattle...


  1. Very nice resort Rae,
    Have you had a chance to swim in the SCS yet?
    Mom & I went car exploring in Loganville, Decatur, and Duluth for a newer Taurus for her. Trying to sell the Corolla on Craigs List to be able to put more money down. Wx Cruddy here but supposed to warm up tomorrow. Spread herbicide for pre & post emergent weeds yesterday and mowed the lawn for the first time this year. Looks better, & also trimmed our knockout rose bushes back to knee high, (this according to Miss Kelly at Full Bloom Nursery) where we buy a lot of plants. It's up in Clermont north of Gainesville on the way to Blairsville, and Blood Mountain. Picked up some $5 Crepe Myrtles this winter and hope they thrive along the west side of the house. I don't know if we can post pictures but I'll try later when the sun comes back out which I hope is this week

  2. beautiful pic of the country club
